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The Definitive Guide to SEO Mastery

Like any other business or company trying their best to deliver their finest to its clients, what do you think of Google then? Like any other business or company, google is also trying its very best to deliver the purest, the rawest, and the organic to its clients, and it's a fair deal.

Whenever we talk about SEO (search engine optimization) we usually take it as something that helps you to make your website or content popular, but what do you think? Does SEO work like this only? To better understand all of this we need to know about it first!

Mainly, for ranking and to increase visibility on the Google search engine SEO is paramount, but what do you think, SEO is the crucial part, many websites, have a lot of good content but why do we only see a few blogs or content on the top and why other left on the last pages?

In SEO, one has to pay attention to a lot of aspects like-

1. Relevant keywords titles

2. Meaningful content that makes sense instead of repeatedly using the same definitions.

3. Understanding meta descriptions and headlines

4. Schema markup to specify page’s content meaning

But one realization we all have is that the most difficult part is to write the content in such a way that you get a better ranking. It's very difficult because from how many angles can you write a particular thing, and what unique changes can you bring to the table? And what additions or additions do you come up with so people read your blog? Seriously, what can be done?

For all of this difficulty, we need to comprehend SEO ( Search engine optimization), we need to understand Google’s perspective on this, and we have to see things by putting ourselves in Google's shoes! One thing that Google asks from website owners is to present a human version of the content!!

Google never made any distinctive rules or laws for us, just a basic business norm has been followed by Google like a business like any other business google also needs marketing and advertising, but presenting spammy content can take Google’s market down, which Google won’t take it in, as it shouldn’t be!

Let’s talk about search engines first, Search engine helps people to find out whatever they’re looking for online, whether searching for a cafe, a restaurant a product, or maybe planning a holiday search engines have become the main source of searching whenever you need information on a particular thing, for any company or business or a website, search engines play a crucial role cause they offer opportunities to them by offering direct and the most appropriate traffic or audience or clients!

We can consider SEO search engine optimization as a practice of taking your website to rank higher on the SERP search engine results page so that you receive the clout you need! The major goal of most websites is to get on the first page to get your targeted audience, Moreover, it's an approach to understanding your audience’s needs and wants!

Because of SEO, it creates a win-win situation for both parties as you understand your audience and the audience ends up getting the best out of Google search!

Till now we’ve tried understanding Google’s part and how search engines work but let’s move towards our main topic, which is SEO!


Do you think getting ranked on Google to do your business is a crucial part of any website, or is it just a part of your business?

Is it actually like this that if your website isn’t ranking on Google then you cannot do your business, do you need a higher ranking to commercialize yourself, and your business?

The answer is actually in the negative: you don’t need ranking to run your business, or to make a profit because in reality search engine optimization works as a medium between your product/content/your website and the originality of your work!

Search engine optimization is made up of three words




To understand SEO in a better manner we need to learn about these terms

1. SEARCH - whenever we look at the word “search”, we tend to think that we only need to search for topics to present a particular content but this doesn’t work like this, for any content to be presented we need a good research for that, and even if you read 10 blogs or articles on a topic there will be a point when you will be explaining the same points to the audience, and so many times people tend to copy and paste which disappoints google in a way that your website doesn’t get any ranking apart from it one thing which makes Google search Algorithm happy is how uniquely you present your content, what helps you to stand out!

Narration matters the most, the way you write, the way you present, the way you explain things, google wants a difference, a difference that adds value to the user's life, cause until and unless your content isn’t useful then there won’t be any point of getting higher rank!

Company owners or websites need to pay attention to User’s knowledge and how much value it can add, instead of thinking about how much profit they can make, or what rank they can get!

Moreover, do you know about this, when your focus becomes narrow? When you constantly pay attention to your rank instead of paying attention to the originality and human version of your content

One thing Google always mentions is that to get a higher rank one needs to update their content value which generates interest and value in your audience’s lives, it will automatically help you to take your website higher and higher!

2. ENGINE- One realization we must all have is that there are tons of websites out there, it becomes a challenge for Google to rank websites cause every other day there is a new website coming up!

Google works on the user’s experience, so Google needs to provide the best experience to its users!

The crucial process for Google is to give ranking according to the keywords to not ruin their user’s experience, it doesn’t matter how big of a business owner you are, google won’t make a difference, cause trust and experience play the paramount role, and if you have created the website by keeping user’s experience in mind then no one can stop you from taking your website on a higher rank!

To manage all of this, Google has created many parameters and a system that easily prevents copying of each other’s content!

There was this new update by Google called Panda Update, then many other updates after that just to make you understand Google's algorithm correctly and properly! If one is using the targeted keywords properly then Google will show your website on the first page!

3. OPTIMISATION- After understanding the search and the engine part, we need to know how Optimization plays a crucial part in refining the content and the websites Have you ever noticed Apple's update? Every single year they come up with new updates and focus on user experience and because of this quality of Apple company, users trust them so much and their company is going up and up, cause they understand business and user’s needs at the same time, likewise apple, google is trying to focus on business and user’s need at the same time.

In short, Search engine optimization is all about understanding the problems of the users and solving them in a manner that satisfies them, then using the tactics that help your website attract the right audience! You have to keep evolving and updating so that users keep on coming to read your blogs to see your products or to buy your services, and if you keep all of this in mind while presenting blogs or any other service then Google will automatically take your website on the rank one!


Google has been designed in a way where it needs to deliver the rawest experience to its users, or searchers. It simply means providing the most relevant results, as instantly as possible! Whenever we search on Google then there are two basic elements the user input and the search results (output) Google has to present the best on the top, and Google presents the content that Google thinks gives the best experience to users and users will be exhilarated by the outcome!


SEO is the most powerful process through which Google can serve the best to its users best by protecting its own business and other businesses and user’s experience!

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